I’m pleased to promote the Schlumberger Founders Scholarship Program – a benefit designed to encourage academic achievement and higher education among the dependent children of US- and Canada-based employees. Named in honor of the founders of our Company in North America, the program provides generous, tax-effective awards for students seeking to pursue a two- or four-year undergraduate course of study after high school.
Here are a few highlights of the program:
If you have children who’ll be graduating from high school this coming year or down the road, I hope you’ll encourage them to apply.
Good luck to everyone!
Tatiana Serbina Deimbacher
HR Services (Spoke) Manager – North America
Welcome Applicants!
The Schlumberger Founders Scholarship Program is a benefit designed to encourage academic achievement and higher education among the dependent children of US and Canada-based employees. Named in honor of the founders of our Company in North America, the program provides generous, tax-effective awards for students seeking to pursue a two- or four-year undergraduate course of study after high school.
Click the “Program FAQ” button to learn more about the program, including eligibility criteria, application instructions and award details.
For assistance with the application process, please contact ISTS Program Support at ContactUs@applyISTS.com or 855-670-ISTS (4787).
Click the “Apply Now” button to begin the application process.
The 2025-26 application period is closed and Schlumberger is no longer accepting applications.
2024 Program Summary
Each applicant should have received a notification on May 22, 2024 from donotreply@ISTS.com with the subject line “Update on Schlumberger Founders Scholarship Program Selection Results”. If you did not receive this email, please contact ISTS Program Support at ContactUs@applyISTS.com (subject line to contain “SLB”) or 855-670-ISTS (4787).
Winners were chosen from applicants with fully completed applications. If your Home page indicates a ‘Started’ status, your application was not considered due to missing one or more requirements.
Scholarship payments for all eligible new and renewal recipients will be issued by early September.